Preserving Legacies, Enriching Lives
There are many ways you can invest in our Preserving Legacies, Enriching Lives Campaign.
Make a pledge.
Make a gift to the campaign, pledged over a three-year giving period. You may choose to satisfy your pledge through monthly, quarterly, or annual payments, or structure your own pledge payment schedule. You can satisfy your pledge through payments by check, direct deposit, or credit card. We accept American Express, Visa, Mastercard and Discover. We will be happy to send you reminders of pledge payments as they become due.
Make a gift of securities.
Gifts of highly appreciated assets, such as stock with a very low basis, make excellent charitable gifts. By donating stock, you avoid costly gains.
Make a customized gift.
Donations of real property such as real estate, artwork, jewelry and other items can make a significant contribution to the capital campaign.
We will be happy to work with you and your advisor(s) to structure a gift that best suits your needs. Thank you for your support.
To learn more about how you can help Salina Presbyterian Manor grow, please contact Jenni Jones, Director of Giving, at 785-342-0410 or