A man with gray hair and glasses wearing a brown blazer, orange shirt, and striped tie poses against a dark, textured background, exuding a sense of wisdom and calm reminiscent of a kind chaplain.

After COVID, and with the Manor-remodel completed, we felt like, what now? One by one our dear leaders in the administration were retiring, having carried us along with all the requirements for staff and residents during this difficult time, giving support and encouragement to each resident and keeping us informed of the current regulations about wearing masks, where we could go, what we should avoid and all the time graciously serving meals as dietary assistants to residents who were sitting six feet apart in the Chapel, Wellness Center, Sunroom, Broadway Apartments and in the three Healthcare units.

Then we received word that the corporate office was sending us a chaplain, Greg Schmidt, who would also serve as Heart & Soul Hospice chaplain. In chapel he tried to teach us the song “Go with God” and I would like to thank him for encouraging us to keep our focus on the Lord, praying for, and with us and for your loving pastoral heart.

Right from the start, Chaplain Greg and his wife Marguerite started having a “party” for all residents once a month in the evening. Sometimes outside on the lawn during summer, eating watermelon or sipping a cool drink, or collecting wedding pictures and trying to guess who they were while some told something unplanned that happened at their wedding reception. What a fun way to become friends! We will miss the stories and jokes he told us at lunchtime and Bingo was never so much fun as when he led the game.

Greg did four Bible studies in four areas of the Manor each Thursday morning after staff and brought the residents to a central location in each area where we had sung hymns from song-sheets for 15 minutes. Friday was the worship service for the week with a full chapel of residents again! He presented a plan for the Spiritual Life Committee to become more productive that will help us for years to come.

Thank you, Chaplain Greg, for your ministry here at the Newton Presbyterian Manor. “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Numbers 5:24-26.

Together we sing, as this chapter in our lives comes to a close, “God Will Make a Way.”