Several people on the golf course at Presbyterian Manor in Arkansas City stand in various poses holding golf clubs, with trees and a clear blue sky in the background. They're participating in the Golfin' for Good Sam event.

Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor’s annual golf tournament  “Golfin’ for Good Sam” on May 4, 2024 raised almost $18,000 for the Good Samaritan Program.

The event’s name, “Golfin’ for Good Sam,” is a reference to the tournament’s ongoing support of PMMA’s Good Samaritan Program which provides financial support for local Presbyterian Manor seniors who have, at no fault of their own, outlived their financial resources.

“This is my first year with the Golfin’ For Good Sam tournament. I was so excited to be a part of this long running tradition,” said Gini Myers, Executive Director. “27 years of supporting our Good Samaritan Fund is not something to sneeze at. This tournament allows us to support seniors that currently reside in the Manor to continue to do so.”

84 golfers participated in the four-person scramble tournament.  The winners in the two flights were:

Flight A 1st place: Ryan Williams, Andrew Iverson, Evan Myles, Zach Larson

Flight B 1st place:  Kelvin O’Daniel, Michelle O’Daniel, Deb Nittler, Randy Nittler

378 numbered golf balls were dropped as part of Karl and Dorothy Faidley Memorial Golf Ball Drop prior to tee off. David & Pam Messenger ball landed closest to the pin.

“I had a wonderful time meeting new people and how they fit into this wonderful community,” said Myers. “I do have to say, going up in the bucket was a bit scary, but so worth it. With great thanks to our committee members, I look forward to an even greater turnout next year.”

This year’s Golfin’ for Good Sam tournament also would not have been possible without an outpouring of community support. Thank you to all of the generous sponsors for making the event possible and for lending their support to area seniors in need:

Birdie Sponsor:

Union State Bank

Eagle Sponsor

United Agency

Hole Sponsors:

Abbey Eye Care

Ace Construction & Interior Design

Ark City Glass

Ark City Service

Ark Valley Credit Union

Ark Valley Distributing


Berkshire Hathaway

Community Nat. Bank & Trust

Cowley Courier Traveler

CWA Local 86004 (GE Union)

DiVall’s Liquor

Dr. Paul Klaassen

Edw. B. Stephenson & Co. CPAs – Aaron Iverson

Edward Jones – Dan Jurkovich

Edward Jones – Scott Stewart

First Presbyterian Church – Arkansas City

First Presbyterian Church – Winfield

Graves Drug Store

Groves Propane, LLC

Harris Family Dentistry

LG Pike Construction

Lions & Lioness Club of Arkansas City

Mid-West Electric

Munson Insurance Agency, Inc

Niles Family Dentistry

Parman, Tanner, Soule & Jackson CPA

Patriot Liquor

Presbyterian Manor Resident Council

Riverstone Family Dentistry

Rob Carroll Sandblasting

Rogers Family Dentistry


Schmidt Jewelers, Inc

Taylor Drug Store

TMS Eyecare

Travers Furniture & Carpet

Wells Built Construction