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Ocean liners were the primary mode of intercontinental travel from the mid-19th century until they began to be supplanted by airliners. Advances in design and technology resulted in steamship companies proclaiming their ships to be “unsinkable,” a claim proved false by the sinking of these three ships. We’ll study the three ships in these disasters: Titanic, Lusitania, and Andrea Doria

Guest Speaker:

Paul Post is a native Kansan and received a bachelor’s in history from KSU and a law degree from KU Law School in 1974. Now retired from the practice of law, he is a member of the Shawnee County Historical Society and an amateur beekeeper. He has essays on the history of SBA Hill/former Menninger Campus in Topeka: Topeka’s Bates Family: The Fred Harvey Company: and on Duke Ellington.

RSVP to Harold Edwards at hedwards@pmma.org or Megan White at mrwhite@pmma.org or call 913-599-6100.

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